Gosh, it’s been two weeks that we have been in Milan, and it seems that everything that could go wrong has gone wrong: breaking keys, equipment going down, cars out of commission… But here, let me tell you a few of the “best” (I mean, the worst) stories.
A couple of days after we arrived, my Mom accidentally broke the key in the front door, so we could only get out. Then we went out to eat some pizza while it was broken, and when we came back we were locked out, but luckily I was able to pick the lock so we could come back in. Another day, Lindsay went out to get groceries, and I locked a couple of locks on the door that can’t unlock from the outside. With two doors shut, my Dad, who had muffs on his ears, could not hear her, and it was the one day when I actually took a nap, so neither of us could hear her, so she was locked outside for 2 hours screaming – but everyone else in the neighborhood knew about her…
Another time, when we were going somewhere important, we could not start the van, and we were in a hurry to leave, so we had to take another car and have the rental place repair the van. Then, when we were out grocery shopping, my Mom’s wallet got stolen. It took a lot of time to replace all of her cards and everything that was in it. Then, for one whole day, my brother Kaelan kept knocking things over. He knocked over plates, knives forks, spoons, glasses, cups, cereals, fruit, trays, jams, bread, almost everything you can imagine.
Then there was the night of the porky mushrooms. Usually my father translated the menu for us at the restaurant. But that night we went to a restaurant that had a horrible English translation of their menu. We laughed a lot at many of the names of the dishes, but the best one was “Porky Mushrooms” for “Porcini Mushrooms”. That same night, as my brother was drinking from a glass (which is always a danger with him), he bit through the glass with his teeth and there was lots of glass chunks in his mouth that I removed with my fingers. Apparently he has not learnt the concept of not drinking with his teeth.
Next, somehow we broke a Pinguino (it’s a different kind of air conditioner), and we had to use my Mom’s sunglasses to operate it. Then we broke a chair. I hope nothing else goes wrong because I think we have had more than enough things go wrong!
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