We’ve been here for almost four weeks. These are some of the things I have found out. People here eat a lot of pizza, and a lot of ice cream, and the weather is really, really hot. There are four different parts of a meal: antipasti (appetizers), primi piatti (first plate, it’s always pasta or risotto), secundi piatti (second plate), and dolci (dessert). My little brother learned the word antipasti. Whenever we say it a bit wrong, he always says: “No, it is AntiPASti”!
My babysitter always goes to places called Internet cafes where you can go on the internet, which were very very boring for Kaelan and me, because all we would be would be sit there and wait for about an hour. She took us with our Dad to the Duomo, which is the cathedral for Milan, which, by the way, is really called Milano. We also went to a castle called the Castello Sforzesco. By the way, the way it got its name was that the duke of Milan, named Visconti, asked a mercenary called Sforza to become the general of his army. Then when the duke died, instead of his son becoming the new duke, Sforza had the son killed and became duke himself. That is pretty mean!
Another day we went to the Da Vinci Museum. It showed all the machines that Leonardo Da Vinci invented. That same day, we saw the painting “The Last Supper”. It shows Jesus and the disciples having the Passover dinner, which may have been the last one they were together, I am not sure. In the last supper, Jesus has just said “one of you will betray me”, so everybody and asking people questions and looking at each other trying to figure out who is going to do it. I did not like the painting very much. This may be because the painting is very damaged, because he used the wrong pigments.
I read a lot during this trip, because, a lot of the time, we were just sitting around at the house. Tomorrow we are leaving for good for Tuscany.
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