When we woke up we packed and started driving South along the Jordan for a few hours until we were at the dead Sea. We kept on driving till we got to a kibbutz called Ein Gedi. The whole time we were driving we were going past only desert. When we got to Ein Gedi we just unpacked, and went to another place called Masada which is a famous old Jewish settlement that the Romans conquered. What they did is that they went all around it so the Jews inside could not get food or water, but the Romans still could not get in. Then they built a huge ramp up the cliff and finally broke through the wall. So the Jews decided to commit suicide, the men killed their wives and children, then they chose ten men to kill all the others, then they chose one man to kill the other nine men and himself.
Masada is built on a huge hill, and it takes about an hour to walk up it. Susan, Aaron, Amy and my dad all walked up it. My mom, John, Josh, my brother and I just took a gondola up it, which took us about three minutes. We saw a big wall around the whole top of the mountain, the palace of Herod, and some huge cisterns. I was really tired, and I felt like sitting down rather than walking all around. From the top, you could see a bunch of Roman camps that were all around Masada.
We went back to kibbutz Ein Gedi. Then my brother, Josh, my mom and I went to the swimming pool. Then we had dinner at the dining hall and turned in.
I CONQUERED MASADA! I just felt like saying that. Oh hey, I just realized the dining halls stop serving lunch in 5 minutes. Guess I'm not eating today.
Hi Amy- I am really sorry you missed the dining hall because you were reading my blog. But don't say I didn't warn you: I told you you'd have to read it all...
Love, Cami
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