Saturday, September 22, 2007


Last week on Sunday night we went to a place called Pueblo Espanol. The Pueblo Espanol is a remake from 1929 of different parts of Spain all put into one place.

At the Pueblo Espanol we had reserved seats at a Flamenco dance. For those of you who don't know, Flamenco is a kind of Spanish dance and music. At the Flamenco dance, there were five men making the music and singing, and there were five women in dresses dancing. Some of the dresses were very bright, and some of them were very dark. The music was all very fast, with guitars and vocals. All the men and women were clapping their hands all the time to mark the rhythm. All of the dancing is done by stomping your feet, and, for the girls, twirling their skirts. The dancers almost always danced alone. There was also one man who came to dance. Unfortunately though, I did not understand very much of what they were saying.

My brother loved the dances and kept staring with his mouth open at the dancers and singers there. But that did not stop him from eating half of our food... We ate lots of tapas, which are basically appetizers in Spain. My favorite tapas are xipirones, which are little fried squids.

Here is a cool picture that we found of a flamenco dancer:


Amy said...

Going to see the Flamenco dancers sounds fun (couldn't you see Aaron wearing one of those dresses?). It surprised me to read that the dancers usually danced alone; I would have thought they'd be in pairs or even in groups. It doesn't surprise me, though, that K liked the dancing (is he still saying "1, 2, 3, tomato sauce?"). Eat a few tapas for me, and I'll eat some sushi for you!

Cams said...

Dear sock buddy,

yes, it was very fun there and I could definitely see Mrs. Pretty wearing one of those dresses!! Yes, K loved the dancing, and he is still saying "1, 2, 3, 4, tomato sauce"... And, by the way, how you don't eat the sushi but send it to me: I'd like that better! On the other hand, I will eat tapas for you, especially the chipirones (or xipirons in catalan) which are delicious tiny little fried squids whole. Love, Cameron (or, more exactly, Cams as they call me here)