Sunday, November 4, 2007

Who Would Like a White Chocolate and Jam Sandwich?

From Sanlucar we wanted to drive to Cadix. First we drove around a lot and kind of got lost. In about three or four hours we could see Cadix across the bay. Then my dad got really tired and took a nap on a beach, although it was only about twenty minutes. Then my brother had to go to the bathroom - I am not going to tell you what happened (you probably don't want me to tell you either)... When we got to Cadix, we could not find our hotel even though we passed it about five times, and we had to call the concierge to give us directions to get there.

Cadix was very big and had a lot of churches. I liked it. The fortress walls were very cool. it is also well protected: we had to drive through the fortress walls to get in. Cadix used to be the biggest shipping harbor in the Atlantic in the times of the Greeks. Our hotel was right off the biggest square in Cadix (in the old town). It had a very nice patio right in the middle and was about six stories high. Our rooms were very small and cramped.

That night we were going to go to a tapas bar. We walked around, then found a super nice square that had a huge cathedral in it. We were also going to have ice cream after dinner, but in the morning we found out we could have had ice-cream right there in a Ben & Jerry's! We went to a "tapas bar" on the square. We were super hungry, and the tapas, from the prices, looked very small, so we ordered twenty four of them! When my dad went to the counter to order them the woman looked at him like he was crazy. We also saw some little sandwiches that people had, that looked really good, and kept wondering why we could not find them on the menu. When we got our dinner, every single thing we had was in small sandwiches, and, on the check, we found they did not have tapas but montaditos, which is the name for the sandwiches. Of course we had plenty left, that we kept for breakfast. The best one, I thought, was one that had white chocolate and jam - that was for dessert if you couldn't tell... After dinner we went to a great gelato ice cream parlor where I got very good strawberry ice cream.

The next morning we woke up and walked around a bit. My dad got us some candy, and, afterwards, we had some really good breakfast with pastries. Then we drove around by the water and found a really cool old fort - it was awesome!


Cams said...

I feel really sorry for them. Not having chocolate it's horrible! I don't think I could live with out it!

Anonymous said...

i might like one if it was a different kind of chocolate but white? come on